Technical SEO Auditing

Technical SEO involves one-time, broad fixes for a company on their website & the internet. I often use this process to prioritize a quarterly SEO plan as well. My audits ideally combine both these aspects.

I’ve performed these audits for various CMS platforms, including WordPress, Drupal, HubSpot, Squarespace, and Shopify in addition to less common options like Kentico, BigCommerce, and proprietary frameworks.

These take me 1-2 days for most websites, sometimes longer for big sites. While I do use various SEO tools to assist me, a lot of this process is a manual effort. Here are examples of my work:

This means correcting broken pages, redirects, duplicate content, mobile friendliness, and so forth. I’ll evaluate site speed and correct usability issues like improper canonical tags. I analyze information architecture for the header, footer, and overall User Experience (UX) for click depth and other factors.